How To Stream VR on Discord 2024 Guide

Over time, Discord has developed into a fantastic platform for gamers. This application makes it simple for gamers to interact, share, and create communities. These include free texting, video streaming, audio chat, and more services.

Have you ever wished you could broadcast to your Discord pals precisely what you are seeing in your VR headset? If so, you’ve come to the perfect spot to learn how to achieve it.

Utilizing Discord’s Go Live function, you may stream virtual reality on the platform by utilizing the SteamVR program to show your friends the screen of your VR headset. You must cast it to the browser and share it with Discord if you want to share it with Oculus immediately.

It shouldn’t be surprising that many chat programs feature VR integration given how quickly virtual reality technology is developing in the modern day. I frequently utilize Discord’s Go Live function, and I’ll walk you through using it step-by-step.

Not to worry! We will assist you if you are unclear about this. This post will go through the guidelines for VR broadcasting as well as how to stream VR on Discord. So, please sit back, relax, and stick with me till the end.


Is It Possible to Stream VR on Discord?

The SteamVR software will enable VR streaming on Discord. Through it, you can use a VR headset to share your screen, and the entire procedure uses Discord’s Go Live function.

Discord was developed with the primary goal of developing a platform that allowed gamers to engage and establish communities. It has grown over the years, and now businesses utilize it all around the world for operations and communication.

Having said that, you may use Discord to share your Virtual Reality screen with individuals using the same server. With the help of this software, gamers, businesspeople, tech enthusiasts, and others may communicate simply via voice and text messaging.

To enhance the user experience, Go Live had to be introduced. Additionally, you and your gaming mates will be able to stream VR with the aid of this tool.

Discord permits the incorporation of screen-sharing technologies for a better gaming experience. This makes employing a virtual reality environment for interaction very much feasible.

How To Stream VR to Discord

You can stream VR to Discord if you do a few particular actions. You must first start the game you wish to play on Steam VR before going to Discord to begin live broadcasting.

Additionally, you can only broadcast one game at a time, and you must click the game’s name to do so. You can also stream audio, but you’ll need to take some extra steps.

We will break down the procedure for you to make it appear simple. Simply follow them step by step to complete the task.

The steps to stream virtual reality to Discord are as follows:

  1. Turn on your computer and start the Discord Client program.
  2. On the left side of the screen, click the symbol with the circular plus sign.
  3. Within the newly opened box, select Create a Server.
  4. Add all of your gaming pals to this recently launched server.
  5. Launch the installation of SteamVR.
  6. Once the installation is complete, open the app and launch the game you wish to share.
  7. Go back to Discord and check to see whether the game’s name is shown in the navigation panel.
  8. Select “Stream Game Name” by clicking.
  9. As soon as the pop-up displays, choose “Stream.”

That is how one streams virtual reality on Discord. Additionally, you may concurrently launch your game and SteamVR. But then, a problem with streaming can come up. Streaming interruptions or malfunctions are possible.

For this reason, we advise manually starting SteamVR before loading and streaming the game.

How Can You Stream VR with Sound on Discord?

When streaming in virtual reality on Discord, there are times when the audio may not function. You can still encounter this problem even if you take the preceding procedures. You’ll notice that there is no sound output while the audio is being played.

There is an efficient solution to this problem. Therefore there is absolutely no need for you to panic.

Here are the procedures to take in order to stream VR audio on Discord:

  1. Before launching the game, open SteamVR.
  2. Find the audio-settings tab in SteamVR’s settings by navigating there.
  3. The settings should be adjusted to VR headset audio.
  4. Start the game you wish to audio-stream.
  5. Make sure the game starts before Discord streaming starts.
  6. Lastly, decide the game you want to broadcast. A pop-up notification of the streaming confirmation will appear.

You can stream a VR game to Discord by starting it in Steam VR. To start a live broadcast, you must first navigate to Discord. Only one game may be broadcast at once; to accomplish this, click the titles of each game.

We will be breaking down the procedure into the phases listed below to make it much simpler:

  1. Install Discord on your PC after downloading it.
  2. By selecting the “+” symbol on the left side of the window, you may create a specific server.
  3. Add each of your online gaming pals to the server.
  4. Next, you must join the server of your friends.
  5. Launch SteamVR after installing it on your computer.
  6. Start a game of your choosing with your friends.
  7. Look in the server navigation for the title and URL of the game you are now playing.
  8. Choose the monitor icon to bring up a new window.
  9. From the new window, select the resolution and frame rate that you desire.
  10. Obtain a Discord Nitro membership if you wish to stream in high definition.
  11. When you click the Go-Live button, a fresh game window will appear on your screen.

And that’s how simple the entire procedure is.

How To Stream from Oculus Quest 2 To Discord

Casting the VR headgear to a PC browser window first enables streaming from Oculus Quest 2 to Discord. After that, you must begin screen sharing to a Discord server with that window.

You may use Virtual Desktop to simplify this procedure if you’d like. Let’s say you are brand-new to casting. Depending on the device receiving the projection, it is sending the images you see on the Oculus VR screen to a PC or TV.

As previously mentioned, Oculus Quest 2 may be streamed to Discord using one of two techniques. Casting is the first one, while a virtual desktop application is needed for the second.

Don’t worry; we’ll guide you through both methods and make sure you understand everything.

The procedures for casting Oculus Quest 2 to a discord are listed below:

  1. Open Chrome and search for oculus Casting.
  2. Enter your Oculus login information on the Oculus website. You will be sent to the casting page after logging in.
  3. Press the Oculus button while wearing your Oculus headset.
  4. From the four selections displayed on the VR screen, select the cast.
  5. Choose your machine from the list.
  6. Once the oculus screen is streaming, open Discord and begins screen sharing on the server.

Most of the time, if you utilize this strategy, you won’t run into any issues. There may, however, be exceptions, in which case you must make use of optional third parties like Virtual Desktop.

The procedures for using a virtual desktop are as follows:

  1. Install Oculus Quest 2 and Virtual Desktop on your computer.
  2. After running the Virtual Desktop streamer app, enter your Oculus user name.
  3. Start Oculus Quest 2’s Virtual Desktop and locate the desktop window.
  4. To share the streaming, open the Oculus Casting tab in a browser and connect to Discord.

Why Skyrim VR Won’t Stream on Discord

Discord won’t allow Skyrim VR to stream since the “Stream SteamVR” option will be visible when Skyrim VR launches. Even though it shows the game window, this button is not what you desire. By shutting down SteamVR before you begin streaming, you can avoid this.

How To Fix the Discord Stream Game Not Working

A Discord stream’s failure might be due to a number of things. As soon as you can, you should address the problem.

Nevertheless, certain programs could obstruct Discord’s operation. Consequently, you can experience issues with game streaming. Your computer has to be restarted to fix this issue. Any running program on the computer will stop working when it is shut off.

How To Fix VR Black Screen on Discord

When screen sharing on Discord, a black screen is a frustrating problem. But it’s not a problem you can’t fix.

The following remedies might assist you in solving this issue:

Restart Discord

You should investigate to determine whether the issue isn’t a one-time event. Restarting Discord is the simplest way to achieve this.

We’ll just utilize the task manager, where there are two options, as we don’t have access to the other ways to end the program. The first is if you can reach the taskbar at the bottom of your screen.

After that, left-clicking on it will allow you to browse the task manager’s various choices. It ought to show up on your screen after you tap on it.

Use CTRL + ALT + DEL to bring up the taskbar if you don’t have access to it. Following that, a screen will appear from which you may select the task manager. The only thing left to do is to quit Discord and open it again to see whether the issue has been fixed. The Discord process must be clicked on in the context menu, and you must end the task.

Clear Discord Application Cache

The Discord App’s cache can be cleared as another option to resolve this problem. You can get this done by following the steps below:

  1. Exit the Discord application
  2. To open a new window, simultaneously press the Windows and R keys on your keyboard.
  3. There are several new directories that you may see by typing %appData%.
  4. Remove the Cache along with Cachecode, and GPU cache subfolders from Discord by finding it in those directories.

Update Graphics Drivers

If your graphics drivers are out-of-date, Discord may display a blank screen.

The solution is straightforward: visit the website of your GPU’s manufacturer.

After you are there, you will be asked for information regarding your GPU before receiving the latest recent drivers. Come back in a few days to see if the issue has been fixed. Also keep in mind that regular updating is required to guarantee top performance in games and applications.

Some Final Words

Sharing virtual reality experiences with the streaming community is enjoyable and amazing. Discord is one of the greatest solutions for streaming. After reading this post, we hope you have found out how to stream to VR on Discord. While there could be a few obstacles in your way, we have addressed most of them in this article.

We hope you won’t have any difficulties while streaming VR. This article covers a lot of ground, and we hope there’s no query left regarding streaming VR to Discord. Hopefully, this article will have been of help to you. Thank you for reading, and we wish you all the best.

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Nick Miller

It's Nick Miller a 25 year old tech enthusiast and senior editor at Flexgate, i try to make tech simple for the everyday person. You will find review about tech, tools and Computer hardware here.

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