11 Ways to Fix Microsoft Teams Not Integrating with Outlook

Outlook and Microsoft Teams are both top-notch productivity programs. You may integrate teams and Outlook if you use both of them to increase productivity even further. Then, you may export a list of team members, convert Outlook meetings into Teams meetings, or utilize Outlook to adjust Teams’ first day of the week. Integrating the Teams add-in into Outlook allows users to jump from Outlook to Teams effortlessly.

When Teams is installed, the interaction with Outlook usually goes smoothly and seamlessly in an automatic manner. However, it’s more complicated than it seems and can go wrong at times, making it prone to errors.

If you are having issues integrating Teams with Outlook, you have arrived at the right destination. This article will outline the causes of your problem, and we’ll then jump on towards the fixes. Remember to follow each fix in a careful manner. If one fix fails to work for you, you can always jump on to the next one. So, without further ado, let’s head right into it.


Why is Outlook missing the Teams Add-in?

While it’s conceivable that an add-in is not visible in the Outlook toolbar because it has collapsed, Outlook typically disables add-ins when they conflict with other add-ins from third parties or when the add-in performs an action that causes Outlook to cease functioning.

Outlook consequently turns off the add-in to stop additional problems.

The following are the causes of Outlook’s unavailability of the Teams add-in:

Due to the old office version

It’s possible that the Office version you’re running doesn’t allow teams to be integrated with Outlook. Microsoft 365 or Office Professional Pro is required.

Open any Microsoft program, such as Word or Outlook, and select File > Office Account. Under Product Information, your Office version will be shown.

Add-in Must Feature Support for OAuth in Exchange Store

The Exchange store houses all of the add-ins. Both the management team that released the add-in and the users of it must be logged into the Exchange server using OAuth authentication.


To connect Teams with Outlook, you must sign in to Teams using multi-factor authentication.

Removal From Group

If you are removed from a group for whom the add-in was intended, it will no longer appear.

Requirements for Combining Teams with Outlook

To add Teams add-in to Outlook, you must use a current version of Microsoft Office. Running Teams as an admin is a must. It will enable the application to change the registry. Additionally, avoid running Outlook with a high priority because this might cause COM add-ins to crash.

The requirements to integrate teams with Outlook are as follows:

Software Requirements

You need the most recent version of Office 365 or Exchange to utilize add-ins in Outlook. For example, you need at least Office 2013, Office 2016, Exchange 2013, and Exchange 2016 to use the Teams add-in. Update the Teams app as well.

The Teams option should be visible in the Outlook toolbar when you have the right version. But I’ve given you several alternatives if you don’t have that choice.

Installing Teams as Admin

Modifying the registry files is necessary in order to add the Teams add-in to Outlook. So, if you don’t have admin rights, you can’t modify the registry and hence can’t add the Teams add-in to Outlook.

How Can I Fix Microsoft Teams Not Integrating with Outlook?

When you install Teams, you often have the option to link it to Outlook automatically.

However, if you don’t see the Teams option in the Outlook toolbar, I’ve included every workaround likely to permanently end this problem.

Here’s how to address Teams’ Outlook integration issue:

Run Teams as Admin

It will enable Teams to modify the registry files so that Outlook’s COM add-ins can recognize Teams add-ins.

Here is how to manage Microsoft Teams as an administrator:

  1. Microsoft Teams’ icon should be right-clicked, then choose Properties.
  2. Find your way to the Compatibility tab.
  3. Mark with a checkmark Run this program as an administrator.
  4. Go ahead and apply the changes that were made.

Outlook does not have to be run as an administrator. It is preferable to simply run it normally. You should be able to solve your problem with the help of this solution. Move on to the next one if the problem is still present.

Reinstall Microsoft Teams Application

It goes without saying that you won’t be able to add the Teams add-in to Outlook if the Teams software is improperly installed or if the files get damaged. Reinstalling Teams after uninstalling it should be the first thing you do.

The steps to reinstall teams are as follows:

  1. First of all, tap the Search button.
  2. Next, you must Run the Control Panel by typing it.
  3. In the Programs section, click Uninstall a program.
  4. On the Uninstall menu, choose Microsoft Teams.
  5. Activate your web browser.
  6. Head over to the Microsoft Teams Download page. The Teams version is your choice.
  7. Run the installation file that you downloaded.

After completing these steps, the Teams launcher will download the app and the core files. This repair should help you address your issue. Move on to the following one if the problem is still present.

Enable Teams Add-in

To determine if the Teams add-in is active or not, open Outlook’s add-ins list.

The methods to enable the Teams add-in in Outlook are as follows:

  1. Go ahead and launch Outlook.
  2. Access it by choosing File, then Options, and then Add-ins.
  3. Then, right next to Manage, go ahead and select COM Add-ins and then click Go.

This fix will hopefully assist in the resolution of your issue. Move on to the next one if the problem continues.

Maintain Order While Launching Apps

While this is an odd workaround, several people have reported success with it. The behavior of applications should not be impacted by running them in any particular order; however, it does.

Microsoft itself advised downloading Teams, setting it up, and logging in first. Next, restart Outlook and Teams. Uphold this command. If you have to manually add the Teams add-in to Outlook, restart both Outlook and Teams.

You should be able to solve your problem with the aid of this fix. Move on to the next one if the problem is still present.

Enable Add-in Using Teams Admin Center

In the event that the Outlook add-in was disabled from the Teams admin center, the Teams option would not appear in the Outlook toolbar.

The steps to activate the Outlook add-in from the Teams admin center are as follows:

  1. Go to Microsoft Teams Admin Center in your browser when it has opened. Keep in mind that you need to be an admin to read the page.
  2. Under Meetings, choose Meeting policies.
  3. You should enable the Outlook add-in next.

Hopefully, this fix will have helped you resolve your problem. However, if the issue still persists, jump on to the next one.

Add Teams Add-in Manually

Simply follow the instructions below if you don’t have the Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in.

The Teams add-in for Outlook may be manually added as follows:

  1. Launch the Microsoft Teams App
  2. Select Settings by clicking the three horizontal dots next to your profile.
  3. Click the General tab.
  4. Next, you must Register Teams as your chat app for Office.
  5. Relaunch Teams.
  6. Restart the Outlook desktop application.

Additionally, you ought to be able to view the Teams add-in in Outlook’s list of COM Add-Ins.

Hopefully, this remedy will assist you in solving your issue. However, if the problem is still present, move on to the next.

Edit User Profile Disk Settings

By excluding the following folders from the user profile drive, a few users were able to resolve this problem:

  • AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams
  • AppData\Local\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin
  • AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams.
  • AppData\Local\Microsoft\TeamsPresenceAddin

At each login, the computer essentially reinstalls Teams. See if you can also get this to work.

Hopefully, this solution will help you to resolve your problem. Continue to the following step if the issue is still present.

Repair The Office App

Microsoft Office repairs occasionally resolve the current problem you are facing.

Follow the steps below to repair Microsoft office:

  1. Start the Control Panel.
  2. Find your way to Programs. Next, select Programs and Features.
  3. After selecting Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016 or the version you are currently using, click on Change.
  4. Select Quick Repair first, and if the issue persists, select Online Repair.

Your issue will be solved with the assistance of this solution. However, if the problem is still there, go on to the next fix.

Clear Cache Files for Microsoft Teams

The issue you are experiencing might be caused by corrupted files that occasionally appear in cache data. First, check to see whether the issue has been resolved by clearing the cache file.

The steps to clear the Teams cache files are as follows:

  1. First, make sure Microsoft Teams is not open and operating in the background before closing it.
  2. Next, you must right-click on the Windows icon and then select Run.
  3. To access the Teams cache folder, go ahead and type in %appdata%/Microsoft/Teams.
  4. Select every file and folder, then click “Delete.” You can skip the folders and files that won’t get deleted.

Hopefully, this solution will help you to resolve your problem. Continue to the following step if the issue is still present.

Re-register Teams DLL

It’s possible that there was a difficulty registering the Teams add-in, and you need to re-register if that’s the case. But first, make sure the add-in was appropriately installed.

The Teams add-in installation logs may be examined as follows:

  1. First of all, copy %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin.
  2. Copy the text, paste it into the Search box, and press Enter.
  3. Next, you must open meeting-addin-install-logs.txt.
  4. Check to check if the meeting add-in is installed by scrolling all the way down.
  5. There is no need to re-register if the log indicates that the meeting add-in has been installed. However, you’ll have to re-register if it doesn’t.

In order to re-register Teams DLL, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the entire line below: C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32.exe /n /i:user “C:\Users\[YourUserName]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin\[YourAddinVersion]\x64\Microsoft.Teams.AddinLoader.dll”
  2. Place your username in between square brackets, then take them off.
  3. Place your add-in version in between the square brackets, then take the brackets off. You can get the add-in version by following the step below:
  4. Copy the text: %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin
  5. Copy the text, paste it into the Search box, and press Enter.
  6. The add-in version is the name of the folder.
  7. Your command line should be copied.
  8. Paste the command into the Search box, then press Enter.

You will successfully register the Teams meeting add-in after following the instructions. Hopefully, this answer may assist you in solving your issue. However, if the problem is still there, go on to the next final fix.

Close Teams Running in Background

Teams may block Outlook from adding the Teams add-in if it operates in the background.

Follow the steps below to prevent Teams from running in the Background:

  1. First of all, launch Microsoft Teams.
  2. Next, select Settings by clicking the three horizontal dots next to your profile.
  3. Next, you must select the General tab.
  4. Finally, uncheck Keep the application running on close.
  5. When you close Microsoft Teams after completing these instructions, it will immediately stop operating.


Microsoft Teams add-in for outlook mac?

If Outlook is running production build 16.24.414.0 or later and is enabled with a Microsoft 365 or Office 365 client subscription, the Teams Meeting button will show up on the Outlook for Mac ribbon.

How to add Microsoft teams meeting add-in for Microsoft office?

Choose options from the File tab in Outlook. Select Add-ins from the Outlook Options dialogue box. Verify that the Active Application Add-ins list contains the Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Office.

How do I enable Microsoft Teams to add in Outlook?

Open Outlook. Click File > Options > Add-ins > COM Add-ins and then pick Go to enable the Microsoft Teams add-in. Next, examine the Microsoft Office Teams Meeting Add-in.

How do you sync Microsoft Teams with Outlook?

Users who have Microsoft Teams and either Office 2013, Office 2016, Office 2019, or Office 2021 installed on their Windows PC will instantly receive the Teams Meeting add-in. The Outlook Calendar ribbon will display the Teams Meeting add-in for users. Unfortunately, the Team’s add-in is not accessible directly through a URL.

How do I enable Microsoft Exchange Add-Ins?

  • Go to Organization > Add-ins in the EAC.
  • Next, select the place from which you want to install the add-in by clicking New Add Icon.
  • From the Office Depot, add: Select the software you wish to install from the Office Store, then click Add. Add-ins for Office and SharePoint > Outlook contains a list of applications that are compatible with the Outlook Web App.
  • From the URL: Enter the whole URL of the add-in manifest file you wish to install in the URL field.
  • Insert from file: Select Browse, then find the add-in manifest file you wish to install by navigating there.
  • Press Save.

How do I add a link to an Outlook meeting?


  • Add a Teams Link to an Outlook Meeting Already Existing.
  • Launch Outlook. Select your meeting by going to your calendar.
  • Select “Teams Meeting.”
  • The meeting notes will be provided with a link.
  • Select “Send Update.”
  • Return to the meeting invitation and choose “Join Teams Meeting” to participate in the meeting.

How do I manage Add-Ins in Outlook 365?

  • To access add-ins, select File > Options>Add-ins
  • Choose a type of add-in.
  • Select Go.
  • Choose the add-ins you want to upload, load, or uninstall. You may also browse to find add-ins to install.


Microsoft enables a seamless switch from Outlook to Teams. With only a click, we can add Outlook calendars and meetings to Teams as well as move emails to Teams as conversations. However, things don’t always go as planned, and you occasionally run into issues when attempting to merge Outlook with Teams, issues you won’t experience going forward.

Install the applications with admin rights to guarantee that your Teams and Outlook connection runs without a hitch. You may manually enable the Teams add-in. Afterward, fix the Office installation files.

In this article, I have provided you with all the fixes you can apply to resolve the problem you are facing. If one solution fails to work for you, jump on to the next, as at least one of them will be guaranteed to fix your problem. Hopefully, this article will help resolve your issue. We wish you all the best.

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Nick Miller

It's Nick Miller a 25 year old tech enthusiast and senior editor at Flexgate, i try to make tech simple for the everyday person. You will find review about tech, tools and Computer hardware here.

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