3 Ways to Fix Discord Server Roles Not Working

Imagine how frustrating it can get if you’re the owner of a server and you cannot control the roles that have been allocated. I know how annoying this is as I’ve experienced this myself. I have passed through this situation a few times, and I’ve confronted a lot of problems while managing the server.

After digging into it and trying out different things, I was able to get rid of the problem for good. You don’t have to worry about anything as I’m about to show you the best fixes you can try to Fix Discord Server roles not working.

One super brilliant feature on Discord that contributes towards making it the best and most popular chatting platform is the Role System. If you take a look at the name, you should be able to get an idea of what a role system is about. With the role system, mods of a server are able to assign various roles to each person. Meaning you’re able to provide a user with certain abilities other users might not have.

If you’ve been facing issues with the role system on Discord, stick with us till the end, and we’ll show you how you can resolve the issue in the simplest way possible. Do not skip any point as it may be critical for fixing the problem.


What are Discord Roles?

Taking a look at Discord terminology, you can define a role as a set of permissions having a name. A role called “@everyone”, for example, means you get a whole range of basic permissions. These include chatting on the server and reading messages.

There are many different roles a server owner may assign to users. One prominent role is the moderator. A moderator will have the power to ban or mute other users. A server owner may also assign multiple roles to users. For example, you may assign both moderator and @everyone to a user. This user will now have the powers of both @everyone and a moderator. Just like that, there are up to 250 possible roles you can assign to users.

The functions of roles depend upon the permissions allowed to members by the server owner. So even if you’re a moderator, you may have access to different features compared to other moderators if the permissions set for you are different.

What are Discord Permissions?

Discord houses up to 29 permissions. These permissions are categorized into general, text and voice permissions. If you want to assign roles properly, you must first understand what each permission does. You can combine a set of different permissions to create roles of various types.

Why are Discord Server Roles Not Working

The reason why Discord Server roles are not be working might be a permission issue. The permissions might not be set to allow certain roles to different users. Unstable internet connection and corrupted files may also be the reason why Discord Server roles are not working. If you take a look at the roles, you’ll find out that you’re able to assign up to 250 roles for members on your server. You may also select more than a single role for one person on your server. If a server owner trusts a user, they may be assigned with multiple roles.

However, if you’re going to assign multiple roles to users, you’ll have to do it separately. Take, for example; you want to make a user both a moderator and an administrator. You must assign these roles separately, or else you’ll face issues while you try to control your Discord servers.

How To Fix Discord Server Roles Not Working?

There is a reason why Discord is the most favoured and well-known communication platform for the gaming community. Managing Server roles is a huge win for Discord as you can run your server in an organized fashion. You can limit some users to only chatting, while you can give bigger roles to others.

The following are some of the fixes you can try out to resolve the issue of Discord server roles not working:

1. Set Up Permissions for The Roles

As already stated, there are up to 250 roles you can assign to various members on your server. You may not require all the roles. So first, you must take a look and see whether you need to use all the roles or not. By assigning roles, you can decide the function of each member in a group. However, if you do not set permissions for each role, the management will be vulnerable, and things may get messy.

If you do not grant permissions to users, assigning roles will be useless as each member will be able to do whatever the other is doing irrespective of the role assigned. Therefore, for a role to work properly, you must assign permissions to it. This way, you’ll be able to limit what a specific member can achieve on a server. If you trust a member, you can provide them with more permissions to make them superior.

 To manage the users, you must first create roles on Discord.

The following are the steps to create roles on Discord:

Creating Roles on Discord

  1. Launch the Discord application and sign in to your account.
  2. Gain access to your server.
  3. You’ll be able to see a tiny drop-down arrow to the right of your server’s name. Go ahead and click on it.
  4. In the drop-down menu, select the Server Settings option.
  5. Once the settings open, find your way to the Roles option.
  6. You’ll be able to find a box that reads Create role. You must now click on it.
  7. The created role will be seen as a new role.
  8. You will be able to customize the colour and set a specific description for each role.
  9. Once you have set everything up, you must select Save Changes to implement the changes you have made.

This process must be followed each time you try to create a new role for a user. After you have created a role, you must assign the roles to members you rely on. The different roles you assign depend on how much you trust a user.

The following is a step-by-step procedure on how you can assign roles to users on Discord:

Assigning Roles on Discord

  1. Launch the Discord application and sign in to your account.
  2. Gain access to your server.
  3. You’ll be able to see a tiny drop-down arrow to the right of your server’s name. Go ahead and click on it.
  4. In the drop-down menu, select the Server Settings option.
  5. Once the settings open, find your way to the Roles option.
  6. You must now select the role you want to assign to a member.
  7. Go ahead and select the Manage Member option. You’ll see this on the upper right side.
  8. Next, select the Add Member option.
  9. You will now be displayed a list of the members on your server. You must check the box right next to the member’s name to assign the role to them.
  10. If you want to assign the same role to many members, check the boxes right next to the names of everyone you prefer for the job.

2. Check Roles of Each Member

It is very important to check the roles you have assigned to members on your server. Roles have the purpose of differentiating the members and assigning them specific duties and permissions. If you assign the same role to every user, there’s no point in using the feature in the first place. This is because each member will have the same permissions and won’t be able to differentiate themselves from other members.

You must try to make sure you assign different roles to different users. If every user is allowed the same permission, the result may be chaos, and you can take my word for it. If you think a server user is capable enough and trustworthy of being granted multiple roles, then it is you who decides. A server member can be assigned multiple roles.

If your Discord server does not have a vast number of members, there will be no need to assign similar roles to the members. However, if your server is exploding with members, you may assign the same role to many members to gain more control. If you don’t do such a thing, you’ll be experiencing miscommunications and misunderstandings amongst users resulting in disorder and confusion. This can harm the atmosphere of your server, and you may even lose members along the way.

3. Uninstall and Reinstall Discord

If the above fixes do not work for you in resolving your server roles issue, you can try uninstalling Discord from your system. Once uninstalled, you can reinstall it again. Launch the app and try creating the roles while assigning them to members of your server to see if the issue has been resolved.

The following are the steps to uninstall Discord:

  1. Find your way to the Control Panel on Windows. You can do this by typing Control Panel in the Windows search box. Once done, press enter.
  2. When you open the control panel, you’ll see an option labelled Uninstall a program under the Programs option. Go ahead and click on it.
  3. You will now be able to see a list of all the installed applications on your computer. You have to search for Discord amongst them.
  4. Once you find Discord, select it and right-click on it.
  5. The option to uninstall the application should appear. Go ahead and click on Uninstall to remove the application from your computer.

Now that you are done uninstalling the Discord app, you’ll have to reinstall it now. You can download the Discord application using your browser as you did in the first place. Once installed, sign in to your account with the appropriate credentials. Now try creating and assigning roles to see if the issue has been resolved.

How To Manage Roles in Discord

Managing roles on Discord is almost the same as creating them. You can add multiples roles and even modify them by changing the permissions. Depending on the way you want to run your server, you can categorize different members according to different roles. This way, you can make your server more efficient.

To add/remove members or change certain permissions, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the Discord application and sign in to your account.
  2. Gain access to your server.
  3. You’ll be able to see a tiny drop-down arrow to the right of your server’s name. Go ahead and click on it.
  4. In the drop-down menu, select the Server Settings option.
  5. Once the settings open, find your way to the Roles option.
  6. Now you must select the role you want to alter.
  7. Selectthe Permissions option to control what certain members are allowed to do on the server.
  8. You can add or remove users by selecting Manage Members.

As your community expands with time, you’ll be able to add other users. You can organize your members according to the roles you prefer. As you’ll have to set a role for each user individually, using the @everyone role for the majority of the users on the server is the best way to go.

How To Delete Roles in Discord

Users might hardly ever face the need to delete a role as it was made to be assigned. However, if you’ve been making too many roles lately, and your account is full of the ones you don’t even use, you can easily delete them. Follow the steps below:

  1. You’ll be able to see a tiny drop-down arrow to the right of your server’s name. Go ahead and click on it.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select the Server Settings option.
  3. Once the settings open, find your way to the Roles option.
  4. Next, you must select the role you plan on deleting.
  5. Now go down and click on the Delete [role name] button.
  6. Click Okay to confirm your action.

And there you go, that’s how simple it is to delete a role on Discord.


Why are you failing to manage the server despite being an admin?

If the server owner has given you the role of an admin, but you are still unable to make certain changes, it’s most probably because the owner never turned all the permissions on for your role. If you’re curious, you may contact the server owner to see what permissions have been granted to you.

How will you hide text on Discord?

By typing “/spoiler”before you start typing a text, you can make the server hide that specific message.

Can I automatically assign roles on Discord?

Yes, you definitely can. But you’re going to need a bot to do it. Managing a Discord server with many users can be a very hectic task. To make the job easier, you can increase the number of admins to manage the server in your absence. Or you may use bots for the purpose.


As you know by now, role management is super essential to keep a server running smoothly on Discord. With up to 250 roles to choose from, while having multiple permissions at your fingertips, you can restrict your members to only a particular role. This will keep the environment healthy and prevent any occurrence of any sort of chaos.

We walked you through all the possible fixes you can try out to Fix Discord server roles not working. After going through the text, you now also know how to add, assign, manage, and delete the roles. With full control over the members of your service, you’ll be able to maintain a healthy environment for everyone to dwell in. If the job becomes too much for you, you can make certain members you trust admins you help you out in managing the server.

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Nick Miller

It's Nick Miller a 25 year old tech enthusiast and senior editor at Flexgate, i try to make tech simple for the everyday person. You will find review about tech, tools and Computer hardware here.

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