Windows 10 Couldn’t Complete The Updates Undoing Changes

Windows 10 is the most popular and widely used Operating System used by people around the world. The Windows 10 operating system is not only found in home computers, but also in business computers due to its several tremendous and handy features.

Its top-notch and reliable performance is due to its regular updates that further improve its performance. In some cases, many users face problems while they’re updating. In this article, we’ll try to solve this issue by trying different troubleshooting steps.


Solution: Couldn’t complete Undoing Updates on windows 10

Today, we’re going to attempt a series of troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue. However, before starting this method, restart your computer first, so your operating system is refreshed and free of corrupt and temporary data that might be causing this problem, it might help our cause.

 Several reasons might have caused this trouble; it may be because of faulty/corrupted system files or an inappropriate downloading of update files. Nevertheless, we have a list of suggested troubleshooting steps that might assist you in resolving this particular issue. Check this article if you having issue with Blue Screen on Windows 11.

Launch the Windows Update Troubleshooter

As we discussed above, several reasons might have caused this problem; therefore, it is recommended to run the Windows update troubleshooter tool so it can search for update related issues and also give you its solutions.

Windows 10 Updates Undoing Changes
  • If you don’t have the Windows Update Troubleshooter tool, you can download it from
  • Launch the troubleshooter tool
  • Once the tool completes its process, reboot your system
  • Now go to your Start menu and navigate to settings
  • From settings, find your way to Update and Security and then Windows Update
  • Then click Check for Updates to check if there are any updates available
  • Install any available updates
  • If the problem is still there even after doing this process, try to repeat this process once again.

Check to see if this method has solved the issue

Delete the Software Distribution Folder

There might be a slight risk that the files present in the SoftwareDistribution folder are faulty or corrupted. Windows 10 keeps all the update related files in the SoftwareDistribution folder, so it’s recommended to delete those files so that the Windows can re-download the update files which are free of errors.

  • Go to the search bar located near the Start button on your taskbar
  • Search Command Prompt in the search bar
  • Right-click on the command prompt app that appears in the results
  • Select Run as Administrator from the list
  • In the command prompt window, type this
  • Type net stop wuauserv and press Enter
  • Type net stop bits and press Enter
  • Now type net stop cryptSvc and  press Enter
  • Type net stop msiserver and press Enter
  • Now open the Windows Explorer and go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
  • Delete all the files and folders over there
  • Now again right-click on the Command Prompt app and select Run as Administrator
  • In the command prompt window, type this
  • Type net start wuauserv and press Enter
  • Now type net start bits and press Enter
  • Now type net start cryptSvc and press Enter
  • Type net start msiserver and then press Enter
  • Reboot your system

Check to see if this method has solved the issue

Turn ON App Readiness Service

  • Hold on to the Windows key and then press R to open the Run box
  • Type services.msc  and then press Enter
  • Navigate to the App Readiness Service
  • Double click it go to properties
  • Now set the Startup type to Automatic
  • Click start to launch the service
  • After changing the settings, click Apply and OK to save your changes
  • Reboot your system

 Check to see if this method has solved the issue

Disable Automatic Windows Update

  • Hold on to the Windows key and then press R to open the Run box
  • Type services.msc in the search box and then press Enter to open Services
  • Navigate to the Windows Update service.
  • Double-click the Window Update Service and set the Startup type to Disable
  • Select Stop to disable the service
  • Now select Apply and click OK to save your changes
  • Reboot your system

Check to see if this method has solved the issue

Perform a system restore

If none of the above steps assist in resolving the issue, try performing a system restore to see if it solves the issue

win 10 system restore Guide
  • Go to the search bar located in your taskbar
  • Type Control Panel and open the Control Panel window from the appeared list
  • Type Recovery in the search box
  • From Recovery, go to Open System Restore
  • Now select Next in the Restore system files and setting box
  • Choose the restore point from the list of results
  • After choosing the restore point, click Scan for affected programs
  • You’ll see a list of files that are going to be deleted by removing the restore point
  • If you’re agreeing to delete those files, select Close, then Next and Finish option to start the process

NOTE: if you’re not presented with any restore points, the reason behind it is that your system protection isn’t turned ON.

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Nick Miller

It's Nick Miller a 25 year old tech enthusiast and senior editor at Flexgate, i try to make tech simple for the everyday person. You will find review about tech, tools and Computer hardware here.

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