How to Disable Discord on Startup – Easiest Steps

Discord is one of the most popular free VoIP applications used by gamers all over the world. Through this, gamers can connect with friends and even stream their content to their viewers. It is a built-in feature of Discord to launch as soon as you Startup your computer. Unfortunately, although some users don’t mind Discord popping out of anywhere, many users do find it irritating.

Are you sick of Discord popping up as soon as you boot your computer? If so, don’t you worry, as we have got you covered. There are two ways you can Disable Discord on Startup, and we’ll be covering the solutions for both Windows and Mac OS. So let get started without further wasting any time. 


Stopping Discord from Launching on Startup

Although the simplest way you can disable Discord on Startup is by turning off the open Discord feature, this might not be the most efficient way. To disable Discord on Startup efficiently, the perfect way to do this is by disabling it from the operating system and then the Discord app.

In the following text, we have described both methods in detail. Moreover, we have provided the method on how to disable Discord on Startup for both Windows and Mac OS. You can get rid of Discord launching on Startup with a few simple steps to make your life easier. Go on and follow through to know how.

Stop Discord from Launching on Startup – Windows

The following are the steps to follow if you want to disable Discord on Startup in a Windows operating system:

  1. Launch your Task Manager. You can do this by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc together.
  2. In the Task Manager, you will find the Startup tab at the top. Go ahead and click on it.
  3. Find the Discord application. Right-click on Discord, and then hit Disable.

And poof, it’s done. That’s how easy it is to disable Discord from your Windows Operating System.

Stop Discord from Launching on Startup – Mac OS

The following are the steps to follow if you want to disable Discord on Startup in a Mac OS.

  1. Open the settings on your Mac. (System Preferences)
  2. Find the Users & Groups option and click on it.
  3. Now select Current User.
  4. Here you will find the Login Items option. Go ahead and select it.
  5. Now you’ll see Discord below. You can select this by clicking on it.
  6. Once you select Discord, click the minus (-) button at the bottom. This will ultimately disable Discord on Startup.

And there you go! That’s how you get rid of Discord automatically launching on Startup.

Switch Off Discord AutoStart from Discord Application

Another way to disable Discord AutoStart is by switching it off from the Discord application. This is the most considerable and simplest way to get the job done.

Follow the steps below to stop the Discord app from launching on Startup:

  1. First, launch the Discord app and find your way to settings.
  2. Scroll down in settings and find the option for your OS settings. (Windows settings od Mac OS settings)
  3. Once you’ve entered the OS settings, you’ll find the Open Discord option. Go ahead and disable this option to stop Discord from launching on Startup.

And there you go, that’s how you do it. This method will completely disable Discord from launching on Startup, and you can enjoy an interruption-free boot on your computer.

Quitting from Discord

There is something you should know. If you think you have completely shut down the Discord app by exiting from it by clicking the cross, you’re wrong. To completely shut down Discord, you’ll have to close it from the OS and from Discord manually.

Quitting Discord from the OS is pretty simple. To do this, all you have to do is click on the arrow in the right corner of your Taskbar. This will reveal the hidden options, including the Discord app button. Right-click on Discord and select the option Quit Discord.

At times, the Discord button does not appear in the hidden icon’s tray. You can use an alternative method for this. Go ahead and launch the Task Manager> find your way to the Processes Tab> select the Discord processes> end each process one by one.

And there you go, that’s how you completely shut down Discord.


Is Discord safe for my PC?

Discord is completely safe for your PC and is used by users all over the world. No one has had any complaints regarding Discord being unsafe to date.

Why does my Discord open on starting my PC?

Launching of Discord on Startup is just a default feature of the application. Lots of applications may launch on Startup, and it’s pretty easy to disable the AutoStart.

 Can I stop Discord from opening on Startup?

Yes, stopping Discord from opening on Startup is very simple. You can either do this through your operating system, as mentioned in the article. Another way to do this is by directly disabling the Open Discord feature from the settings of the Discord app.

Final Words

As you might know, Discord is a very popular app used by gamers all over the world. Some of the most popular streamers use Discord to stream their content for users to view for entertainment purposes. In addition, it provides a great platform for users to show off their gaming skills and even connect with their friends.

The irritating Discord AutoStart feature is a pain in the back for many users as it can cause distractions and waste time. But with all the solutions stated in the text above, you can get rid of this issue in no time. Go through the steps thoroughly to get the best result. Each step is very simple, and you’ll have Discord AutoStart disabled in no time. We hope this article will be of help to you, and your issue on How to disable Discord on Startup will be resolved after those easy fixes.

Nick Miller

It's Nick Miller a 25 year old tech enthusiast and senior editor at Flexgate, i try to make tech simple for the everyday person. You will find review about tech, tools and Computer hardware here.

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