How To Fix Motherboard Error 99 – The Ultimate Solution

The motherboard is the central component of a PC build that holds all the components in place. If your motherboard develops any sort of issue, you can expect your entire system to fall apart.

At times, users who modify their motherboard may experience the Motherboard Error 99 issue. You may find yourself stuck on a black screen displaying the error code 99 located at the bottom right of your screen.

Typically, this indicates that the temporary data associated with error 99 failed to flush during CMOS battery initialization. But this problem can also arise for other causes.

There’s nothing to worry about, as I’ve experienced this issue myself, and I was able to get rid of it after digging into it. The solution is very simple, and I promise you’ll get a hand of it in no time.

So, stick with me till the end, and you’ll get rid of all the problems you’re facing. This article will take you through everything you need to understand regarding the Motherboard Error 99 issue and how you can solve it.


Causes of Motherboard Error 99 on Windows

How To Fix Motherboard Error 99

There is no true fault with the motherboard error 99. It only indicates which level of your super IO startup is now active. In other words, error code 99 refers to an issue with the master hard disk during the startup process.

Error code 99, which is shown in the lower right corner of the screen, has caused some customers with various motherboards to complain that they are unable to boot their computers. So, one concern that can arise is what might cause error code 99 to appear on the motherboard.

According to the studies, this error code has a number of potential triggers and can be caused by many problems.

BIOS Inconsistency

Some affected users claim that this issue can arise when a previously imposed setting (often related to voltages) causes the system to become so unstable that it can no longer start up. The easiest fix in this situation is to reset your BIOS/UEFI settings to their default levels.

Corrupt Kernel Temp Data

It turns out that you might anticipate seeing this error message if your low-level program contains corrupted temporary data that is stored by the CMOS battery in between booting sessions. If this situation applies, disconnecting the CMOS battery for just long enough to let the system “forget” the temporary data should be able to resolve the problem.

Insufficient PSU

It’s very conceivable that the error code 99 you’re getting is a result of your system not being able to supply adequate power to each connected peripheral and component if you’re using a low-end PSU. You may either upgrade to a more powerful PSU or detach any unnecessary devices to solve the issue.

USB Port Problems

Suppose your MSI computer is an older model with PS/2 connectors for the keyboard and mouse. In that case, there’s a good possibility you’re experiencing a problem that frequently happens when USB-based peripherals are utilized. If this situation applies, an easy fix is to connect legacy peripherals while disconnecting their USB equivalents to get through the motherboard error 99.

Hardware Problems

You may also sometimes get this error if your motherboard experiences a short-circuit or other kinds of damage that results in a major crash. The only options in this situation are to send your motherboard in for repairs or, if you’re still covered by warranty, to request a replacement.

How To Fix Motherboard Error 99 on Windows

You will find all sorts of fixes on the web for fixing the Motherboard Error 99. However, not all of them work, and you’ll only find yourself wasting time applying them. Worry not, as I have provided you with definitive fixes that are guaranteed to work. The Error code 99 is a motherboard-related issue, and I will show you exactly what you can do to fix it.

The following are the fixes you can try out to resolve the motherboard error 99 problems:

Clear The CMOS Battery

As it turns out, a mismatch with the UEFI or BIOS settings is one of the most frequent causes of the error code 99 with most motherboards. Most often, this issue arises because the CMOS battery is preserving temporary data between starting cycles (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor).

If the situation described below applies, you should be able to resolve the issue by opening the PC case and momentarily removing the CMOS battery in order to erase any data stored between computer boots.

If you’re not sure how to clear the CMOS battery, refer to the steps listed below for a step-by-step tutorial:

  1. First of all, switch your computer off and remove the plug from the power source. Remember that it’s very important to unplug your computer to prevent any damage to yourself and to your computer.
  2. Next, put on a static wrist band and take off the side cover of your PC case to reveal the insides. To prevent a short circuit that might harm your computer’s internal components, you must use a static wristband to ground yourself to the computer’s frame.
  3. Once you successfully manage to remove the side cover of your case using proper equipment, go ahead and observe your motherboard. Find where the CMOS battery lies. Once you locate it, try removing it from its slot with a non-conductive object. You may even use your fingernails.
  4. Now that you have removed the CMOS battery allow up to 10 seconds to pass before you insert the battery back in again. This will allow your motherboard to forget any information that was previously stored and preserved in the CMOS battery.
  5. Next, boot your computer and check if the motherboard error 99 has been resolved.

Check Time and Date In BIOS

The incorrect time or date entered in the BIOS settings might possibly be the cause of this issue. You may fix this problem by changing the time and date settings in your BIOS to reflect the local time.

You can follow the steps below to check the date and time in BIOS:

  1. First of all, you must restart your computer. While your computer is restarting, click and hold the Esc or F keys. This will direct you into the BIOS settings.
  2. In the main menu, utilize the cursor key to find your way to the date and time option.
  3. Next, you must check the date and time. If it’s wrong, go ahead and correct it.
  4. Once everything is done and dusted, click save and exit from these.

Now, reboot your computer and see if the issue has been resolved.

Reset BIOS or UEFI Values to Default

You might be able to resolve this issue by resetting your BIOS or UEFI settings if the problem is sporadic (sometimes allowing you to get past the opening screen).

You ought to be able to resolve the issue by returning the BIOS / UEFI menu to its default settings if this issue is brought on by a BIOS or UEFI bug or configuration that causes the system to become unstable. Many impacted users have testified to the effectiveness of this proposed cure.

By resetting the UEFI and BIOS settings, you can resolve the error 99 code that appears on your screen. However, keep in mind that the reset direction will vary for each software before using the following procedures.

We’ve gathered two guides to allow you to reset both BIOS and UEFI to default settings:

Resetting BIOS to Default Settings

  1. After the first startup screen appears, turn on your PC and continually hit the Boot key (Setup key). If you don’t know which key to press to boot up, it should usually be shown on the screen’s bottom.

Tip: Find the boot key for your motherboard model online if the setup screen is not shown on the screen. The Del key (for Dell computers), Esc, or one of the F keys is often the setup (boot) key (F1, F2, F4, F8, F12).

  • When you do enter the BIOS settings, search for a menu option called Setup Defaults (Setup Default, Reset to Default, or Factory Default). Then, select the Load Setup Defaults option to return your settings to their normal settings.
  • Before exiting the
  • BIOS, save the changes you just made settings and wait for the next startup to complete.

Resetting UEFI Settings to Default

  1. If you can’t get past the first screen, power off your computer three times in a row while it’s starting up to push it into the Recovery menu.
  2. Once the computer boots up into the Recovery menu, find your way to Troubleshoot and then head to Advanced.  
  3. Go ahead and click on UEFI Firmware Settings.
  4. Finally, confirm your selection by clicking the Restart button. Your machine will restart into the UEFI menu once you’ve done this.
  5. The UEFI settings will then be shown when your machine starts up. When you are finally inside, locate the Restore menu and select Restore Default from it. Keep in mind that depending on your UEFI type and the manufacturer of your motherboard, the default location, and name of this option may differ.
  6. Confirm the reset of your UEFI settings at the confirmation popup and check to see whether the next startup happens without the same 99 error number.

Remove Peripherals from Your Computer

When using motherboards, the 99 error code is frequently tied to a problem with USB devices that are connected via front-panel ports, including wireless keyboards, USB hubs, hard drives, printers, etc.

And it turns out that by unplugging a few unnecessary devices, several impacted users who were also having trouble with this issue were able to resolve it. Some concerned customers said that the problem disappeared once they detached an external HDD or SSD, while others reported that turning off their USB-powered headset helped them avoid receiving the Error Code 99.

The fact that these solutions were successful seems to imply that you could also be experiencing an I/O (input/output) problem or that your PSU may not be able to provide enough power for all of the components that are currently attached to your PC. Our only choice, if you don’t want to replace your PSU with a new one that has more capacity, is to turn off every non-essential item that is now using the power your PSU provides.

Move on to the next technique if you’ve already tried disconnecting every unnecessary device from your PC and you’re still receiving the same error 99 problems.

Set Disk Controller Mode to AHCI

If your HDD mode is configured to IDE or RAID, you may have an error code 99. This issue can also be caused by not having an essential driver.

You must switch the HDD controller mode to AHCI in order to cure this problem.

Follow the steps below to set disk controller mode to AHCI:

  1. Type cmd into the search field on Windows.
  2. From the context menu of the CMD program, select the option Run as Administrator.
  3. Hit the Enter key after entering the following command: bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal (ALT: bcdedit /set safeboot minimal)
  4. To access the BIOS setup, restart your computer.
  5. Set AHCI as the SATA mode.
  6. Choose Save and Exit from there.
  7. Open your PC once more.
  8. Type cmd into the search box on Windows.
  9. Run as Administrator by doing a right-click on the cmd application.
  10. Hit the Enter key after entering the following command: bcdedit /deletevalue {current} safeboot (ALT: bcdedit /deletevalue safeboot)
  11. Restart your machine once again, and Windows will launch with AHCI turned on.

Hopefully, this procedure will have resolved your Error 99 issue. If the problem still persists, go ahead and jump on to the next solution.

Connect Mouse and Keyboard Through PS/2 Port

If you still have a motherboard from a previous generation with PS2 slots, the issue is presumably with the USB-connected peripherals.

Although it may sound unusual, some sufferers have found success by unplugging the keyboard and mouse and connecting older components via the legacy PS/2 ports to resolve the problem.

Have a professional technician check it out

If none of the aforementioned remedies have helped you, you should start suspecting that you may have a short circuit that has caused problems with your internals.

Many people who experienced a similar problem were able to resolve it by getting a replacement motherboard (or full PC) while still covered by a warranty. If your warranty has run out and you have another motherboard that works with your CPU, GPU, and RAM, you may swap those components around and check if your machine wakes up without any problems.

You can also have it checked out by a professional technician to see if they can figure out the underlying cause behind this issue.


What does 99 mean on a motherboard?

Hardware-related problems lead to the Motherboard 99 error. Additionally, it hinders the loading system from functioning correctly.

What is 99 on the ASUS motherboard?

The error code 99 almost means the same situation whether on ASUS, MSI, or any other motherboard. Hardware-related issues on your Asus motherboard cause the Motherboard 99 error.

Wrapping It Up

Today’s technological world is home to a large number of motherboard manufacturing firms. Different motherboard manufacturers have various issues, and vice versa. Because of this, many high-end motherboards now come equipped with Q-code monitors that let us know what’s occurring inside our computers. With just a code, pinpointing the actual issue and its solution can be made much simpler.

This article describes in detail what the error 99 is on a motherboard. I offered you some definitive and working fixes to help you resolve this frustrating problem with ease. I recommend you follow each step carefully to avoid any mistakes. This way, you’ll be able to get rid of your problem easily.

If none of the fixes mentioned have worked for you till now, the issue may be more complicated, and it is best you replace your motherboard if the warranty is still valid. If not, you can have a technician take a look at it to see what can be done to fix it.

Hopefully, this article will have been of help to you. I wish you all the best.

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Nick Miller

It's Nick Miller a 25 year old tech enthusiast and senior editor at Flexgate, i try to make tech simple for the everyday person. You will find review about tech, tools and Computer hardware here.

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