Do More Cores Mean Better Performance? 2024 Guide

The processor game has leveled up immensely over the past decade, with Intel and AMD at each other’s throats for who will make the best processor. Multicores have unlocked a new dimension of PC performance, and you can even get up to 64 cores on your processor now.

All of these figures seem very exciting, but do more cores really mean better performance?

CPU cores are used in all sorts of tasks, ranging from official work to gaming to graphics design. It is sort of a fact that the higher the cores, the better your computer will perform. But how many cores do you need?

I promise all of your questions will be answered by the end of this guide, and you’ll know exactly how many cores to go for. So, stick with us till the end, and you’ll have all the knowledge relating to cores and their relationship with performance.


What Are Cores and Threads in a CPU?

We explain both cores and threads below.

Difference Between Core and Thread


The brain of a computer, or the CPU, is where all operations and program execution take place. The processing unit, or core, is the central part of a CPU. It is in charge of reading and carrying out all operations and programs.

A multicore processor is a type of computer processor that has two or more cores that operate independently as if the computer had multiple processors. Each core reads and executes software instructions.

The amount of time it takes for the CPU to connect with the cache and RAM limits its performance on single-core processors. The CPU spends about 75% of its time waiting for memory access results.

More multicore devices have been made available by manufacturers in an effort to boost the performance of their CPUs. A CPU with multiple cores might perform noticeably better than one with a single core at the same speed.

PC speed is improved when multitasking or when dealing with the demands of demanding strong apps and programs thanks to many cores’ ability to run multiple tasks simultaneously with greater ease.


A thread is a series of data from a program that passes through the CPU of a computer. Each application creates its own threads. When a computer multitasks, the system must switch between the threads fast in order to process the data because a single-core processor can only handle one thread at a time.

The benefit of having several cores is that each core can manage a distinct data thread concurrently, enabling a substantially faster flow of data at any given time.

Importance Of Cores

When performing a task, CPU cores are crucial. All of a CPU’s fundamental operations are carried out by its core component. With the task assigned by the operating system, processing units or cores work. The ability to perform numerous activities at once is better and more efficient with more cores.

Back in the 90s, computers would straight-up crash whenever we would run multiple tasks on them. At that time, the CPU only had one core, which caused the system to freeze.

Thanks to modern technology, we now get more cores on our processor, which allows it to function much better. It may now complete several jobs at once without spending any time. Today’s market offers CPUs with up to 64 cores. However, not everyone requires so many cores, and not all tasks do.

How Many Cores Will I Need?

CPU Cores

There are many distinct types of computer programs, each of which uses resources differently. The performance your computer puts out depends on the number of CPU cores. It will function more efficiently with more cores. Better results come from having more.

It may, however, vary based on your work. To multitask, produce videos, or do other task-intensive processes, you need additional cores. You do not require a lot of cores if you are only utilizing them for simple tasks, though.

Follow through this segment to get an idea of how many cores you’ll require based on the work you extract from your system.

1 Core

One-core CPUs are outdated and incompatible with modern technology. In a modern computer, a single-core CPU is difficult to find. One task at a time is the most it can handle.

2 Cores

For most people on a tight budget, it’s the best option. The majority of office or document-related work may be handled without this number of cores. It is also capable of supporting standard games at low settings.

However, you need a CPU with more cores if you need to use a heavy application based on more cores or if you play a lot of games.

4 Cores

Games can be played at low resolution on quad-core CPUs, and they can produce standard video as well. In terms of office administration and other documentation applications, it works remarkably well.

You should think about increasing your CPU cores and performance if you want to perform tasks like video and sound rendering, render 3D graphics, and play high-resolution games better.

6 Cores

The majority of games may be played at high resolution on a CPU with six cores. It can easily do complicated video and sound editing. The majority of streamers are able to do both at once. But more cores are necessary for seamless performance while using intense applications or playing heavy video games.

8 Cores or More

Heavy gamers and streamers should use an octa-core CPU. It also performs flawlessly when it comes to intense tasks such as 3D rendering, video, and audio editing.

On the market, there are CPUs with up to 64 cores. Regular users, however, do not require it for daily work. You should only get a processor with enough cores to handle your tasks perfectly well. But if you want the best performance in anything, and you have the budget for it, you can go for the highest of the highest.

The higher the cores, the better the performance?

Multicore processors are capable of handling one task in each core. The capacity to execute several tasks at once is made possible by having more cores. A single-core CPU with the same performance is slower than a multicore processor.

It takes time for a single-core CPU to access RAM and cache. Due to its distribution technique, a multicore CPU can perform several processes at once with amazing speed.

The performance of various tasks and programs is improved by having more cores, such as 3D rendering, streaming, photo editing, video editing, simulation software, and heavy gaming. The performance of a 10-core CPU is ten times greater than that of a single-core processor. More cores, however, do not automatically equate to improved performance.

In a single application, such as 3D rendering, a higher clock speed with a lower core count performs better than a lower clock speed with more cores. On the other hand, multicore CPUs can effectively handle streaming, gaming, and multitasking even while multiple background activities are active and running.

What Is Clock Speed, and Why Is It Important?

With more CPU cores, multitasking is made simple. But a faster clock speed helps speed up operations. A higher clock speed for the same number of cores performs better than a lower one. The greater clock speed makes it possible to run apps more swiftly and smoothly.

The unit of clock speed is gigahertz (GHz). Faster and greater performance is indicated by higher numbers.

A speedier CPU has a higher clock speed. For instance, a dual-core processor may offer a clock speed of 3.5 GHz for each core, whereas a quad-core processor would support a clock speed of 3.0 GHz. A dual-core CPU can operate 14% quicker as a result.

In this case, the dual-core CPU is indeed more effective if you have single-threaded software. On the other hand, the quad-core CPU will be around 70% faster than the dual-core processor if your software can utilize all 4 cores.

A task may be completed more quickly with a faster clock speed. An intensive single-threaded program can be run fast by utilizing a CPU with a higher clock speed. When executing a single-threaded program, a faster clock speed makes the difference. On the other hand, the tasks that call for several cores will run better on a multicore CPU with a slower clock speed.

Clock Speed Vs. Cores

Users often do not understand the comparison of cores and clock speeds. To break it down for you, we’ll compare different scenarios of core count and clock speed to help you understand the performance difference each one of them makes.

The software you are running determines how well a higher clock speed or more cores performs. Depending on the circumstances, they each have advantages and drawbacks.

High Clock Speed vs. Fewer Cores

A single task can be done better with a faster clock speed. Lesser cores, though, maybe a disadvantage to multiple tasks.

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of High clock speeds and fewer cores:


  • It will show much better performance in single-threaded applications.
  • The price tag is low compared to multicore CPUs.


  • Applications won’t be split effectively amongst different cores due to low core count.
  • Multitask performance will be drastically downgraded.

Slower Clock Speed vs. More Cores

For heavy use and multitasking, more cores are preferable. Slow clock rates, however, might have a negative impact on single-threaded applications.

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of slower clock speeds and a greater number of cores:


  • Multi-threaded programs will be able to run much smoother.
  • Multi-threaded applications will be guaranteed greater support in the future.
  • More cores can effectively enhance performance by spreading the load over different cores.
  • Multitasking will be much smoother with a CPU boasting more cores.


  • Single-threaded applications will run slower due to slower clock speed.

Higher clock speeds and more cores are always preferable. However, higher performance often comes at a higher cost. The usage purpose determines which processor to choose. In most circumstances, having more cores is beneficial.

However, single-threaded applications work well at higher clock speeds. Therefore, if you have the budget for it, go for a processor with a high clock speed and a greater number of cores.

Should I turn on all the cores?

The software is split among the cores by the operating system. Depending on the workload, the operating system uses power and cores in the fashion required.

Core use is set to happen automatically in Windows 10. Depending on the process that is running, it may employ as few as one core or all of them. Operating on Windows 10 does not necessitate turning on all cores. However, it is possible to automatically enable all cores.

You can enable all cores by following the steps below:

  1. From the Windows search bar, go ahead and launch System Configuration.
  2. Next, you’ll have to click on Boot.
  3. Once done, choose Advanced Options.
  4. Go ahead and check out the Number of Processes.
  5. Select the cores using the drop-down menu.
  6. Once everything is done, click on OK to confirm the changes.

Although turning on every core won’t harm the computer, it’s not advised. It takes more resources and might not work effectively in all apps. Manually choosing cores, in many circumstances, can lead to system instability.

Do More Cores Improve Gaming Performance?

For many years, more cores have been considered the norm.

For gaming, more cores are more effective. However, not all games may utilize many cores to their maximum potential. The majority of gaming PCs are constructed with 6 or 8 cores. This amount easily supports running the most recent games at their highest settings.

However, if your CPU has four cores, you can still run light games at their highest settings and heavier games at their lowest. Nevertheless, it might not occur in every game available, and circumstances may vary from game to game. You will need to upgrade your CPU if you wish to Livestream while using services like Steam and Discord.

A quad-core CPU is the bare minimum suggested for gaming computers. Most video games may benefit from it. However, there is not much power left. The recommended number of cores for gaming is eight. With eight cores, you will be able to run any game with optimum settings.

However, if you want the greatest performance and you’re willing to spend more money, you can always opt for a more powerful high-end processor.


Do CPU cores increase FPS?

The answer to this question is not straightforward. The answer largely depends on the type of game you are playing and your computer specifications.

For instance, games such as Counter Strike: Global Offensive or League of Legends require a high-end CPU and GPU to maintain a stable FPS. Games such as Dota 2 are more CPU-intensive than GPU-intensive, so it is possible for you to experience higher FPS with a low-end GPU and CPU.

The performance of the CPU also depends on how many cores it has, with 8 being the average for gaming computers. However, it is not necessary that an 8 core processor will give you higher FPS than a 4 core processor because each game has its own set of demands when it comes to processing power.

Is it better to have more cores or a faster processor?

Multitasking becomes much easier with multiple CPU cores. However, a faster clock speed aids in accelerating activities.

For a given number of cores, a higher clock speed outperforms a lower one. The faster clock speed enables faster and more fluid app operation. Running multiple tasks will require more cores for better performance.

More cores or more GHz?

With a quicker clock speed, a task could be finished sooner. A CPU with a faster clock speed can perform demanding single-threaded software quickly. A faster clock speed makes a difference while running a single-threaded program.

On the other hand, a multicore CPU with a slower clock speed will perform better when the task requires several cores. To multitask, produce videos, or do other task-intensive processes, you need additional cores.

Do games run better with more cores?

Yes, games that run on a processor with more cores will always put out better performance. However, certain games do not require a large number of cores, and the performance may not change with a different number of cores.

What is a Multicore Processor?

A multicore processor is a type of computer processor that contains two or more cores that work independently as if the machine had numerous processors. Each core reads and executes software commands.

Final Words

After going through this article, you now know everything related to CPU cores and their effect on performance. By now, you might have an idea of how many cores you would want on your processor based on what tasks you aim to achieve.

If you want to take on intensive tasks such as 3D animations, rendering, high-end gaming, and other heavy tasks, always go for a processor with more cores.

On the other hand, if you plan to use your computer for basic work only, you can buy a processor with a smaller number of cores. Along with cores, features like threads and clock speeds also have an effect on performance.

To choose the best processor, make sure you have the best combination of all. Higher clock speed will allow your processor to run tasks much faster. Moreover, multithreading will help run multithread-based tasks with much ease. So, make your choice wisely and choose a processor with the best overall features.

Hopefully, this article will have helped you understand the importance of CPU cores in impacting performance. We wish you all the best.

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Nick Miller

It's Nick Miller a 25 year old tech enthusiast and senior editor at Flexgate, i try to make tech simple for the everyday person. You will find review about tech, tools and Computer hardware here.

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